

2008 welcome

Posted Mon, 05/10/2010 - 14:52 by ljz

Welcome Message from the New President of TJMCOAA

Jiamin Teng, MD., Ph.D.

President, Tongji Medical College Overseas Alumni Association

[email protected]

You are welcome to visit the website of Tongji Medical College Overseas Alumni Association (TJMCOAA). TJMCOAA is a registered non-profit organization in the USA. TJMCOAA is set up by a world team including many regionally-active alumni living in the US, Canada, England, Germany, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and Southeastern Asia.

Over the past years, TJMCOAA has established into a virtual home for over 400 registered members. TJMCOAA has also become a bridge that connects overseas alumni with their Alma Mater.

The goal of TJMCOAA is to build a platform for overseas alumni to exchange important information and express passions and concerns. It enables overseas alumni to live a better life abroad while feeling like at home. It also encourages alumni to achieve their dreams and share their successes to the others.

If you are a registered TJMCOAA member, please visit us frequently. You are welcome to make your comments and contributions to a variety of our activities. Your contributions will help the development of our home to a great place.

If you are a TJMC overseas alumnus but not yet registered, please register through our website or simply send an email to our membership director Dr. Baihan Li ([email protected]). You will join the family and receive TJMCOAA Newsletters. You will be connected to your old alumni and make new friends.

If you are a TJMC alumnus in our motherland, you are welcome to visit us. You may discover many survival and success stories of your alumni abroad, the common interests that you share, and the ways to be connected and help each other.

If you are not a TJMC alumnus, you are also welcome to visit us. You may find a special doctor to consult to, a bright scientist to collaborate with, a great partner for your business, or even a best friend for your life. Please contact our Public Relationship Dr. Zhiwei Lai ([email protected]) to find out how we can help each other survival and success around the world.

If you want to help or contribute, please contact our related directors. You can simply find them in this web side.

Finally, I would like to appreciate your interests and participation in the association.

We wish you much happiness and success in 2008.

One world,

One dream.

We had the same dream,

We selected the same boat.

United we board the boat together,

Together we move the boat forward.

TJMCOAA is the home for you,

Let us make our world better ever.
