The Mohawk River is a 149-mile-long (240 km) river in the U.S. state of New York. It is the largest tributary of the Hudson River. The Mohawk flows into the Hudson in the Capital District, a few miles north of the city of Albany. The river is named for the Mohawk Nation of the Iroquois Confederacy. It is a major waterway in north-central New York.
往年的Mohawk River 在圣诞节前后就会“顿失滔滔”,深冬的一二月份经常冰冻几尺,河面上不但能走人,还能开 Pick-up trucks ,snowmobiles。每天从双桥上过都能看到人们驾着大车,摩托雪橇在冰上比赛或玩耍,那划出长长的几何轨迹异常优美,驾驶者在不 经意中创作的杰作,只有过往的路人在高处桥上的87号高速公路上“惊鸿一瞥”的被欣赏了。今年是少有的暖冬,深冬季 节居然冰冻的河流会开封,冰封河面下涌动的暖流将冰层突破,流水的力量势如破竹般推动着巨大的冰块从上游挤向下 游,形成如此奇观。(陈鸣 投稿)