

Posted Mon, 01/02/2012 - 12:44 by ljz



Dear TJMCOAA Members and All TJMC Overseas Alumni:


Happy new year’s evening! As we are about to enter year 2012, it is my pleasure to present you our TJMCOAA 2011 end of year report.


I would like to begin my report by thanking many of you for your invaluable advice, support, and participation that have made this great organization further consolidated and matured in many ways this year. It has been my greatest honour to serve as the 2011 President of TJMCOAA. However, it would be an impossible mission for me without your constant support and active participation. I appreciate that the board of trustees has been my backbone, the executive committee and all other committees and regional directors are highly functional under the leadership of our six vice presidents. Many worked so hard quietly and constantly, like Hu Ding, Xia Bu, Erjia Wang, Jing Peng, Jiaqiang Huang, and most of you. I feel so sorry that I can not name everyone in this brief report, but it is definitely a great team effort that I am proud of and enjoyed to work with.


Being a young alumni organization, one of our main focuses this year was to consolidate its administrative infrastructure and improve its efficiency by inviting more alumni to participate. As a result, we formed an administrative system to which the TJMCOAA daily function is operated by an executive committee led by the current president, a secretary group, and six subcommittees led by our six VPs, and supervised by the board of trustees. We also encouraged activities of the regional chapters by appointing the directors and forming a regional activity committee. Another important approach is that each subcommittee has developed a business plan to guide their daily operation. I am very pleased that this has resulted in a very efficient and productive operation, active participation, and development of leadership in many of our younger alumni, an important investment for a brilliant future of this organization.


Working closely with the board of trustees and the secretary group, we have developed our first annual award regulation, and successfully operated our first award nomination. I want to congratulate those awardees again and thank them for their excellent service and dedication to this organization. As announced yesterday, we have had a very successful 2011 election. We congratulate and welcome the new blood to our administrative team and look forward to their dedication to TJMCOAA. Some of you have complained that our administrative group is dominated by class 77 alumni. I am happy to see a very smooth and granulate transition, and so many younger alumni are now joining our administrative team. I would also advise those who want to change this quickly, the best way to achieve this is to show your participation, dedication, and leadership. The administrative team of this organization is open to all overseas TJMC (Wuhan) alumni, especially our younger fellows. With your all constant support, TJMCOAA will grow day by day and accompany with you and your family always.


Having served TJMCOAA for many years, we feel very sorry that陈英汉老师 has retired. We would like to thank 陈英汉老师again for his excellent service and wish him the best for his retirement life. We are very pleased and appreciate very much that成家咏老师 assumed this important position and has done so well. We look forward to working with him continuously on promoting exchanges between TJMCOAA and TJMC/HUST.


Better serving and supporting our overseas alumni has been always one our main goals. I am pleased that we have achieved our goals as suggested in my business plan.


1.   Led by the local regional committee and local directors, there have been many local activities in different regions this year as reported in our newsletter.


2.   It is also my pleasure to have visited several regional chapters in my term, inducing Boston, Chicago, New York City, and San Francisco. This offered me a unique opportunity to touch with many TJMC alumni and listen to their important feedback and suggestions.


3.   Led by Hu Ding, our newsletter was restarted and published regularly full with various exciting news and reports, an important way to share, inspire, and be mutually encouraged among our alumni.


4.   Led by Peiyi, our accreditation service has updated our communication with the TJMC/HUST Teaching Affair Office in providing English transcripts and graduation certificates.


5.   Our special interests groups have been very active to serve our alumni. Among these, Xiaobu Wu has shared his expertise for higher US education, and many others shared their training, working, and career experiences.


Our website provides an important way to introduce our organization to the world and outreach to the community. Our IT team has done extraordinary well this year. You might remember when our website and group email were incidentally down early this year, how this wonderful team stepped on, worked together, and resolved the problem very quickly, another demonstration of the power of the team efforts by this organization. I want to thank Baihan for his long-term leadership in the website maintenance and update. With the generous support from many of you, we were able to centralize our website resources. Now, all the server and domain accounts are owned by TJMCOAA, and the related costs are paid by TJMCOAA. After years debating and preparation, we finally initiated the project to develop our new website, a giant project led by Lanjing and Guangzhu. Our website was once linked to HUST this year, after we formerly discussed this with the HUST leaders during Zhiwei and I, our visit to HUTS main campus. I was told recently, it will be re-linked after HUST alumni home page is revised. It is important for us to remain a good website. With the continuous efforts by our IT team and addition of IT expertise by Gary Lu, our 2012 president, I am sure this project will be finished next year.


Supporting to and communicating with our mother university has been our tradition. This year we have done very well on this. Here are some examples:


1.   On behalf of TJMCOAA, Zhiwei Lai, our General Secretary and I, we have visited both TJMC and HUST campuses early this year, the first official visit to HUST campus. We were met by Dean Feng, President Peigan Li, and Secretary Gang Lu, and many other leaders. This visit allowed us to present the university leaders with our TJMCOAA achievements and our strong intension to promote exchange between TJMCOAA and TJMC/HUST. The detailed report has been published in the newsletter.


2.   With extraordinary support from several regional chapters, such as Boston, Washington DC, Atlanta, Houston, and San Francisco chapters, we have successfully hosted many visits by TJMC/HUST leaders, professors, and other delegations, including President Li and Dean Feng visits.


3.   We are also very grateful that many of our US alumni participated to these events and share their academic achievements and research experiences.


4.   On the other hand, many of our overseas alumni have visited TJMC this year to promote academic exchanges.


5.   I also want to thank Henry Liu, Marilyn Li, and Yuguang He to represent us congratulated Union Hospital on her 140 year anniversary celebration this fall.


With the leadership and support from many of you, we continued our TJMCOAA traditional commitments this year in the following fields:


1.   Led by Guohua Li and Huiyun Xiang, our 2011 “Selected Papers by Tongji Medical College Overseas Alumni” was published and sent to TJMC library that highlights the research progress done by many of alumni.


2.   Led by John Wang and Duanping Liao, we have successfully finished TJMCOAA scholarship nomination and awarded four outstanding students in different schools of TJMC. Of course your generous donation made continuation of this program possible.


3.   Led by Jiamin and sponsored by Landing, we had another successful TJMCOAA Landing Cup for English competition. As published in our newsletter, TJMC leader, Dean Feng, the board of our trustees member, Jiamin Tang, and Landing CEO, Xiaorong Sun have participated this exciting event.


Fundraising has been always a challenge, perhaps especially in this bad overall economy. I appreciate that Gang Wang, Xiaojing Zhang, and the finance committee have tried so hard on donation collection this year. Now, I am happy to say that we have barely achieved our goals and received about $5,500 donation this year. I would like to thank those who have donated this year, but also remind you all that donation remains critical for this organization’s daily operation.


Xiaojing and many others have encouraged community outreach that is important to remain TJMCOAA 501(c) (3) status. I am pleased we have made some progress on this. Peiyi has participated local community health promotion programs and published Chinese articles to improve public health awareness. I have also done this locally. If someone else has done or participated to such programs, please provide further information to Erjia, so we can keep these in file.


Sharing and promoting career related experience benefits to other alumni. I am very pleased and congratulate that many our alumni have done so well in their professional fields this year. Here are a few samples:


1.   应中国驻纽约总领馆邀请,TJMC校友王钢和刘枫夫妇参加了今年总领馆的春节招待会。


2.   哈佛公共卫生学院中国项目部主任刘远立校友主办的首届“哈佛中美健康峰会”于2011年9月21日至22日在波士顿举行. 会议期间,陈竺部长对刘远立教授多年来对中国卫生系统的研究和促进中国卫生政策制定的发展所发挥的作用给予了高度评价。


3.   休士顿 MD Anderson 肿瘤中心教授、病理科医生谈东风校友主编的英文专著 《Advances in Surgical Pathology of Gastric Cancer》于 2011年在美国出版


4.   Guohua Li, M. Finster Professor, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, will publish his new book “Injury Research”.


5.   Four TJMCOAA members, Ke-Qin Hu, Gang He, Lanjing Zhang, and Jianjun Zhang were invited to lecture or moderate in 16th annual convention of the Association of Chinese American Physician (ACAP) in Flushing, NY.


6.   陈立功, 82级卫生系, presented and shared with this group on his novel and revolutional research findings in statistics.


7.   Ke-Qin Hu, MD, Professor of Clinical Medicine and Director of Hepatology Services, UCIMC, served as the guest editors for 2 special issues of two professional journals this year: A. Hepatobiliary Manifestation in Systemic Diseases. Clinics in Liver Diseases; B. Advances in Managing Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Infection. North American Journal of Science and Medicine


8.   Ke-Qin Hu, MD co-directed the 2011 UCI GI/Hepatology Symposium, a US regional CME program.


9.   刚收到的消息,波士顿地区校友、哈佛公共卫生学院教授胡丙长本年底入选中组部第六批 “千人计划”,将担任华中科技大学同济医学院公共卫生学院劳动卫生与环境卫生学讲座教授。


It is impossible to report all other achievements we have made this year. I would like to end my report by thanking you all again for your great support to my service term, that made above achievements and my term service possible. Although this has been a stressful and very time consuming task (as most past presidents might have experienced), I enjoyed working with you all for this wonderful opportunity to raise the stand of our lovely TJMCOAA. I would also like to thank my wife, Chang-Hong (E 78-3), and my daughter, Shirley, for their understanding and support to my commitment to this term service.


As we are entering to 2012 soon, I wish you all and your family a happy New Year, and further tremendous growth of our TJMCOAA next year under the leadership of Gary Lu, our 2012 president.


Ke-Qin Hu


2011 President, TJMCOAA